Earth Hour, under the working title 'the big flick', was conceived by members of WWF-Australia's communication team in December 2005 as a possible campaign to engage all parts of the Australian community on the need to address climate change.
A partnership was formed in August 2006 between WWF-Australia's Andy Ridley, Leo Burnett's Nigel Marsh and Fairfax Media's Phil McLean with a planned campaign date of early 2007. Earth Hour was launched publicly as a Sydney-only event on December 16 2006 by Sydney Lord Mayor Clover Moore and took place at 7.30pm on March 31 2007.
Following significant interest from both inside Australia and around the world, Earth Hour was formed into a non-profit entity owned by WWF-Australia, Leo Burnett and Fairfax Media. The decision was taken to make Earth Hour an open source model, allowing any genuinely interested individual, company, media or government anywhere in the world to adopt the campaign for 2008.
This is an event that participating countries is said to switch of their power for one hour in order to help the earth due the the alarming rate of global warming around the world....
Sort of a "protest" against global warming.....An awareness campaign so-to-speak
It is said to save at least 10% decrease of consumption of energy......Last year's Earth Hour, 68,506 individuals and 2,270 businesses registered their intention to participate on the Earth Hour website. It was also part of a wider awareness campaign that aimed to reduce Sydney's carbon emissions by 5%......
This year, All over the continent, more and more countries has join in the Earth Hour 08'.....Countries like, Australia, Philipines, Thailand, Canada to name a few has made their strong stand against golbal warming.....
How about for the individual of you and me with all the ah beng and ah lian you say??
Well, it's simple....
On 29th March 2008, at 8.00pm (Malaysia, Singapore, Hong Kong time), All you have to do is just switch off every electrical appliances for one hour (No playing facebook that time.....) then leaving them on stand-by....
Think off it, By conserving energy for one hour, this how much you save on your electric bills....
So, everyone, do your part for our earth as you future generations also need to leave in it....So, don't be so selfish and only think about youself....
Friday, March 28, 2008
Earth Hour 08'
Labels: Event
Posted by Jason Choo at 5:14 AM 0 comments
Sunday, March 23, 2008
5 years old girl pianist
Came across this video on youtube while browsing for new video clips to watch.....
When i watched it, i touched my heart when this girl played the piano.....Just watch it and you'll know what im talking about.......
Well, that's it for today....
Labels: Video
Posted by Jason Choo at 8:23 PM 0 comments
Friday, March 21, 2008
It Hurts!!!
Just focusing my energy on writing this short blog as i in a lot pain........ouch!!!!
Yesterday, with a few of my futsal buddies that i befriended from Sunway University College went to a futsal tournament organized by their fellow engineering friends.......I was the "illegal immigrant" there......what they don't know can hurt them rite???
Anyway,(still in pain) i played like there's no tomorrow, kept on falling , tumbling, diving........keeper mah what you expect?? LoLzzz.....
(Sorry, i don't want to put any picture as it's to graphical, beside, why do you wanna see my misery...LoLzz)
I played in 4 games, as a keeper, my captain says that i have no sub and will continue on, i was like, crap!!!(still in pain) But that really doesn't matter to me as im used to playing a full game.....
I was playing my usual game, when in the first game, one bloody fella came towards me as i was already grabbing the ball that was in my reach. That fella's knee came in and knock my thigh...... Could not feel in at first but as the game progress, the pain kept on creeping in like some one piercing my thigh......
After countless saves in 4 games, my left and right arms also almost gave up on me and every shot that my hands absorb, i can feel the numbness, (mahder!!!!! whack the ball nobody's world)
After the games finish, my back is in pain as my neck muscle is in pain......It's like i've just be through a car accident and still walking, thank God for that!!
All in all, didn't do to badly as we won 1 lost 3...hahaaha (Oklah, since the team just only form last week)
After the game finished, when to Sunway pyramid from Cheras to have dinner at Kim Gary.......
I wanna rest more know, my backs killing me....
Labels: Rant
Posted by Jason Choo at 10:30 AM 0 comments
Sunday, March 16, 2008
Teen Marriage.....
hmmm.......An issue that has been lingering in my mind for a while now.....i've been researching about this issue for quite a while because a few (actually 1/20 of my friends) are already married with kids....I had a few gathering, like weddings, chinese new year, reunion, etc and i was surprised that quite a number of my school friends, cousin etc are with one or two kids....they'll be carrying them everywhere and some are pregnant.....
I was shocked when i saw them....friends of my age or younger already carrying a child or young already married with kids!!!!
Then, i went to do a research on the internet (google is my best friend)....and the i found out that there are several factors that instigate teen marriage......

1) OMG!!! she's getting a baby!!!
Well, the caption says it all......What i found out that why teens get married at a young age is because the girl is currently eating for two person. How could this happen you might ask???? DUH!!! she had sex....LOLZZ....Teens doing it is quite common nowadays in the world..... but some are dumb enough to not use protection and you know the rest......wanna know more of the statistic, you can go to this website -link-
I think i blogged a post about this before where my cousin got married because of this....let me post the link here

2) I want freedom!!!!
Well, only way for people to be free from their parents is to elope into the sunset.....being free from the cage from 20 years that you call 'parents'... A lot of people do not think of their future but just think of getting what you can in a short period of time but fail to think of the consequences of their actions in their future......

3) I love her/him too much
Very common when people are blinded by love that they'll do anything to be together in spite of any situation that occurs......A lot of couple can be very emotional when it comes to love.....the saying of love is blind is very true in this world......
This post just scratch the surface as it's not really in depth (coz im gonna puke if i go on) but if you wanna know more, you can google it or this links that i post below.....
PS: i referred to one of the website for this post....
To all teen weds, please, this post is just a general topic and i just wanna let others know what is going on in the world and why it happens......but if you choose to rant, poke, call a mob to come after me, it's up to you....this is a few world and everyone has their point of,
"siapa makan cili, dialah terasa pedasnya"
-Brian Teh's young lad quote-
Signing off now.....wanna go to sleep
Labels: opinion
Posted by Jason Choo at 10:37 PM 110 comments