Rainy Days
by Charlotte Mair
There can be nothing quite as awesome
As Mother Nature spewing her tears on us
Seems rain makes most feel depressed and futile
But it makes me think of the past and gives calm
If ever my times are bad
Rain soothes me
Tiny droplets on the panes
Refresh me, lift me
Sprinkling spatters cool my face
As I look in to the sky -- all lost loves wash clean
Falling deep in to my thoughts -- refreshed
Sleep says hello to my dreams
Patting down on a tin roof -- rain sings
Making the night clear for a new dawn
Never can there be a more soothing sound to me
Breathe the air -- it is fresh and clean
A sound of nature that is free for the choosing
Take this gift of the earth
Use it for your musing
Appreciate the days of rain
And the sun will always shine on your tomorrow
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