My manager was nice enough (by God's grace) to give me 4 days off from work.....yay!!!!! now i can sleep enjoy and rest more........but it does come with a price.......
For the past 2 weeks, i had to work every single day without off, but it is worth it......
not only dad was nice enough to give me and early 'angpow' which i least expected from my parents..... ( cash in my last....)
but, this off day will be used mostly for my industrial training also much do work......(wanna rest oso
anyway.......i wanna go a few places during my off day and the 1st thing that i'll do is to fix my handphone........(2 weeks of a screen-less handphone......)
damn!!!couldn't read my message, call people, etc..... but dunno whether wanna fix it or not ot get a new one?????
haih...what a dilemma.......
aiya.....i dont care about that lah.....just wanna enjoy my 4 days holiday.....enjoy it while it last....
Saturday, January 28, 2006
CNY tomorrow.........
Posted by Jason Choo at 1:49 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, January 17, 2006
I am what i am....
You Are 20 Years Old |
![]() Under 12: You are a kid at heart. You still have an optimistic life view - and you look at the world with awe. 13-19: You are a teenager at heart. You question authority and are still trying to find your place in this world. 20-29: You are a twentysomething at heart. You feel excited about what's to come... love, work, and new experiences. 30-39: You are a thirtysomething at heart. You've had a taste of success and true love, but you want more! 40+: You are a mature adult. You've been through most of the ups and downs of life already. Now you get to sit back and relax. |
Just took this quiz yesterday just for fun.....after the test....i do act at my age.....but, in reality, do i???
i think i act a bit
it just that is not really good to grow up so fast and miss what you enjoy in the past.....
sometimes i just let it be and mature at a slow pace....not too fast nor slow....just have an easy-going life before other things in life comes and grab you....
Posted by Jason Choo at 2:37 PM 0 comments
Monday, January 16, 2006
Night Shift....damn tiring....
I've been working almost everyday during night really affected my sleep....night shift is from like 5pm until 1am......then, come home sleep at 3am.....wake up at 12pm....go online until 4pm, then off to work at 5pm....that is my working life....kinda suck a bit lah.....some more....walking back from work wee hours in the dark.....(many Ah kua around my area.....heck!! i even saw one of my schoolmate "working" there....)
He was a guy...i know him since primary school....but that time still a guy lah...until when he was like form 3....the "lembutness" in him start to show in his (now her) personality.....the way he walks, talk and also the 'sotong' hand movement.....
i didnt stay long....just said hi!! and walk off with goosebumps on my whole body......
Not only that.....nightlife in sunway kinda quite lah....with only a few bars and bistros open near my area that i pass through every night....not only Ah Kua will be there but also a lot of lala mui and lala chai around that area with striking color of clothing and also clothing with 'less' cloth on their body....the guys that are there dress ok lah...only the girls dress up voluptously when going to that place.....(really looking for trouble lah
there is one bistro there that has a karaoke session.....a lot of drunked people there that sing damn loud!!! their heart out...all i heard is more screaming then singing....
Not only the night life people the but also the MPSJ dewan bandar raya people also there.....they are keeping an eye on the restaurants there and keep them from placing thier table outside their premises for security and safetyof the patron .....but, they are there like until 2am and then they belah...after that they dont care of the restaurant and they'll put their tables and stores outside....
I can see so many things happening with just a few minutes walk from MCD's to my many things i encounter along the way.....this is just what i see everyday when coming back from work.....
it's late now....wanna get some zzz's because i wanna go to college to lepak settle some stuff......bonne nuit('good nite' in french....french lesson does come in handy once in a while...haha...)
Au vior.....
Posted by Jason Choo at 2:25 AM 0 comments
O2jam craze!!!!!!!!!!
After 2 weeks of nothing 2 write....coz kinda lazy because nothing really happened to me within that week......(nothing bad happened lah)....not only nothing to write but also because working and also writing my training report.....that's why no post within that time.....(more lazy actually)...
Recently, i went back to my old roots (no, not my bad habits or back to roots...
Its been quite a while since i played o2jam.....about 6 months if im not mistaken(coa hv 2 pay tat time n noe it's free.....haha)
Since i've started playing it.....i couldn't stop playing it until wee hours in the morning....(not tat teruk lah....exaggerating it a
Played almost all the song there and also increasing my level in O2Jam.....a bit addicted to it now.....haha...
O2Jam is a good game to waste time where it sharpens your eyes and hands coordination....the more you play, you can see as if the world is moving in a very slow pace after playing it quite a while.....(eyes only c things fast but body couldn't react tat
Posted by Jason Choo at 1:32 AM 0 comments
Sunday, January 01, 2006
1st Aniversary as a Blogger.......
Just came back from my friend's friend's house after celebrating new year's eve outside pyramid.....damn tired.....but quite fun lah.....hehe
Today, This time last year, was the first time i crap on my blog and also the turn of a new about killing 2 birds with 1 stone...
It's been a year since i started blogging after seeing a few of my friend's many stuff happened throughout the year and most of it are in my blog.....
when looking back in my blog i realized that my life suxxxxx!!!!! 1 year just pass by so's like everything happen so fast....
Throughout the year....i face a lot of problems in life.......most of it solved by God's grace.....some still in the process of completion......
This new year of resolution for the year is:-
1)be close to God
2)lose weight be more healthy
3)throw away my bad habits
4)drink less....obviously not water lah....
5)get good result and graduate with a diploma
6)get a girl nice friend
7)go away bad habits
8)sleep less and not like a pig
9)finish my assignments and projects on time and not last minute.....
10)study hard
11)repeat the whole thing for next year's resolution
This is my resolution for this year...i hope i can fulfill it and also it would be nice if my friends will to write their resolution on their blog....
Posted by Jason Choo at 4:13 AM 0 comments