Friday, September 22, 2006

All about short skirts.....

Before I start writing this, i just want to clear things that i no a pervert who is obsess with girls skirts or their legs, etc...... It just an innocent observation of mine. I don't mean to belittled any girls/woman fashion sense who are reading this blog, you are who you are..... Please don't flame me for what i have to say.....

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It is just me, or is girls skirt getting short by the day..... I used to remember when a girl want to shorten the length of the skirt, it'll be measure from the knee....

Girl : I want it to be 2 inches above my knee......
Mom: Why you want your skirt to be so short??? Wanna show your legs to who ah???

Nowadays, the entire measurement system has change after the turn of the new millenium...... No more above-the-knee measurements, it's now below your butt....

That's heard me....the's now ......

Girl: I want this short's perfect coz it's 2 inches below my butt (just kidding......dont flame me!!!!)

I did ask a few of my girl friends a few month back about short skirt......

Me: Why do girls wear so short one the skirt????
JT: It comfortable mah.....some more easier when wanna go toilet
Me: But, isn't it make girls feel vunerable when going up stairs or siting down???
JT: They wanna see...see lah!!!

That's the answer that i got from JT......until now, im still girls want to be vunerable and at the same time be in line with he latest fashion trends????? very confused and complicated......

From guys point of view..... they prefer to see girls watching short skirts.....especially the very short-until-nose-bleed skirt......

Im a guy and it's in our nature to see this things.....i would be a hypocrite if i deny this statement....

Alas, this will still be a mystery for everyone on why wanna wear short skirt for fashion that people looked at but at the same time don't want people to stare at them.......make my head pain think some more......

This post is very superficial and it's just scratch the surface......i'll try to gain more info about this......

Girls, you are who you are, dont take to heart regarding the contents of this post......just a guy's point -of-view about this subject.....



Anonymous said...

Hello, you site is very funny he told me to cheer up .. Merry Christmas.

Anonymous said...

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year, may all your wishes come true!

Anonymous said...

I wanna to decide some of questions in this area. Could u help me to do it?

Order Levitra said...

Keep up the good work.