Wednesday, January 31, 2007
Tagged (again) by Karen.......
Labels: tags
Posted by Jason Choo at 2:18 AM 0 comments
Sunday, January 28, 2007
The Law of Jinx......
I had been in this similiar situation where i "kena" jinx by my friend but she didn't ask me to buy anything as i don't think she knows much about the rule......Heck, i was quite blur about it at that time....
Now, you know how to play this game.....if any of your friend says the same things as you at the same time, say the word "jinx!" and if he is so blur, go to a computer and google it! or visit my blog for some info of it....
I can't write all the rules in here coz' some of it, i'm a bit blur.....
Labels: opinion
Posted by Jason Choo at 1:59 AM 0 comments
Thursday, January 18, 2007
Rain's coming.....

When advertisement of his tour flood around our country, heavy rain started to pour down like nobody's business...... it's as if Rain coming to our country is causing floods all around Malaysia....
Sound's like im blaming that just kidding about blaming him.....i got this inspiration from one of the comic strips in the papers....
Haihzz......Everyday rain...cause flood in certain parts in our country.....Thank God Selangor or KL was affected.....Certain places had double floods and some area which never been affected by the flood also 'kena'.....
Singapore also was not spared by the flood as they also 'kena' but not as bad as Johor.....I think it was somewhere near Media Corp...... i dunno where is it.....
Anyway, i don't think this flood will last very long as it'll just wash away in due time.....
If anyone want's to help or volunteer in helping the flood victims can go here...... a small help goes a long way.....give what you can......
Well, got to go now....i wanna go to sleep now....need to go out later.....
Labels: Event, notification, Rant
Posted by Jason Choo at 4:10 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, January 10, 2007
New year = blog turns 2 + New look
Sorry guys, i've haven't been blogging a while.....a bit lazy.... since i got mood now, i'll just blog about something.....
I changed my blog skin again for the new year 2 weeks before last!!!! no problems with mozila-firefox......
10 days ago, my blog turned two years old......i wishing a belated birthday to my blog......(lame lah me...)
My blog coincidently, was "born" same day as kennysia's blog....1 Jan 2005.....i didn't know about his blog until the middle of 2005.......
Anyway, last year i wrote about something to do with last year's resolution's the list...
1)be close to God (pass!!!)
- this one is a no-brainer.......
2)lose weight be more healthy (can lah!! pass on border line)
- i did lose a bit of weight.....but not enough lor.....a few kilos only.....
3)throw away my bad habits (not up to!!)
- at least didn't make a fool of myself..... still got a bit lar....
4)drink less....obviously not water lah....(pass with flying colours!!!!.... woohoo!!!!)
- i didn't touch any heavy stuff this year...yay!!!!
5)get good result and graduate with a diploma (of course have to pass this....lolzz)
- although had to resit a subject but thank God i passed it and got my transcript......yay!!!
6)get a girl nice friend (border pass nor fail)
- didn't get a girlfriend in 2006....but got to know a girl....well, i know her a while already....but got to sms her almost everyday for the pass 5 months...averaging almost 10 sms per day......almost 300 sms a month....(wow!! i never sms anyone like that before!!!)
7)go away bad habits (refer to no.3)
8)sleep less and not like a pig (can pass lah....)
-slept only like 7 hours a day.....
9)finish my assignments and projects on time and not last minute.....(fail!!!!)
- i did manage to pass on time but all done last minutes......
10)study hard (can lar.....close one eye)
- i did study my @$$ of during the last semester......
11)repeat the whole thing for next year's resolution
-some of it yes.....not all....
Hehe......still need to improve on a few things for this year, but by God's grace.....i can do it......Malaysia Boleh!!!!....lolzz
Labels: Event, notification
Posted by Jason Choo at 2:28 AM 0 comments