Sunday, January 28, 2007

The Law of Jinx......

Have you ever had anyone saying the same thing with you at the same time???? Then that person said "Jinx" and you were raising ur eyebrow and thinking to yourself, "what they heck is that???".......and the back of your mine you thought that person was cursing you or putting some sort of spell on you......

Don't be worried about is as it's just a silly game where the first person to say "Jinx" will tell you that you cannot say a word until you get him/her something......The usual bet is always been a can of coca-cola.....

A common slang term used when two people say the same thing at the same time (said as a game amongst young children around the ages of 11 to 14 again suggests some kind of spooky supernatural interference)

This definition of Jinx i got it from .... i disagree with the age group as this game can be play in any demographic of age group.......

If you had seen the office last thursday, you'll understand why i put Pam and Jim's picture in this post.....
It's not that popular in Malaysia or even this part of the world.......dont know's kinda fun tho'

I had been in this similiar situation where i "kena" jinx by my friend but she didn't ask me to buy anything as i don't think she knows much about the rule......Heck, i was quite blur about it at that time....

Now, you know how to play this game.....if any of your friend says the same things as you at the same time, say the word "jinx!" and if he is so blur, go to a computer and google it! or visit my blog for some info of it....

I can't write all the rules in here coz' some of it, i'm a bit blur.....
here's the link if you're interested to know more......