I got a few sms from Hotlink regarding Rain's tour around the world........i don't know the guy nor ever heard any of his song.....This post is not about me promoting his tour to KL......This korean heartrob have teenage girls going ga-ga around him....His concert tour is just around the corner.......i couldn't be bothered by finding out about it.....Im not really enthusiastic about it......
It's more of an irony of his arrival...... Rain's coming to our country when we're having flash flood around

When advertisement of his tour flood around our country, heavy rain started to pour down like nobody's business...... it's as if Rain coming to our country is causing floods all around Malaysia....
Sound's like im blaming that guy....hmmm.....im just kidding about blaming him.....i got this inspiration from one of the comic strips in the papers....
Haihzz......Everyday rain...cause flood in certain parts in our country.....Thank God Selangor or KL was affected.....Certain places had double floods and some area which never been affected by the flood also 'kena'.....
Singapore also was not spared by the flood as they also 'kena' but not as bad as Johor.....I think it was somewhere near Media Corp...... i dunno where is it.....
Anyway, i don't think this flood will last very long as it'll just wash away in due time.....
If anyone want's to help or volunteer in helping the flood victims can go here...... a small help goes a long way.....give what you can......
Well, got to go now....i wanna go to sleep now....need to go out later.....
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