Saturday, August 20, 2005

Lonely.......I am so lonely.....

Have you ever feel like there is no one around you to talk to or feel like people around you treating you like you're invicible??????

It's kinda sad when you think of one to talk to.....everyone neglecting always feeling that way all the time......very 'chai leong' that's what me pet sis always say......

This type of feeling is like going to the movies alone, or even eating at a 5-star restaurant by yourself......that type of loneliness is the lowest of them all......It OK to have a bit of quality time by yourself, but not me.....

My friends always go out 'kai-kai' but they 'tak' ajak me 1.......Sometime they do, but, its like they know when im busy and cannot go (in my opinion lah....) When i've holiday or all the time in the world..... they don't take the intiative as a friend to ask me whether i want to follow them a not.......
To the extend, im, like, begging them to let me tag along......damn sad inn'it......

Life with friends can be cruel at's also depends on what friends you have.....

Take for instances my 2 week's holiday(which is ending soon), no one ask me out to go like stuck at home or go to pyramid or midvalley by myself.....very,very 'chai leong' lah me......going out by one to teman go out.... in loneliness is a pretty hard thing to live in.....


J@cob & Anne said...

I know what u need..a comment...there let me spam ur comment box

dun be childish lar....the world is Cruel but u've got why worry???

friends are friends..each of them have priorities..including u..if u wanna go out go ajak lar...