Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Back from Penang.......last week

Sorry guys....didn't have time to update my blog this whole week......Heck, didnt even have time to go play pool, futsal, etc......All week i work, go back and straight away hit the hay.......

Anyway, im back from Penang already......I met Jolyn on the way back that time......Off all places, we met at the same rest stop......talk about coincidence.......

Dad let me drive half the journey back home......WoW, what a feeling driving more the 100km/h.....it was fun.....a bit dangerous though......coz im still no used to my dads stering wheel........but it was ok......a nice experience.....

Went back home, straight away go play futsal.......i was full of stamina, didnt know why......

I played every positiion in the futsal court that day.......i defended, i was the goalie, did also the midfield area, and also strike the goal mouth and actually scored by a 1-to-1 with the keeper......the opponent literary open u a path way for me to make a run and score......cool!!!!......

Anyway, i dont think i'll be blogging very often coz of work commitments......damn tiring man, my work.....

Before i stop here, i do the survey that Karen tagged me......

Each player of this game starts out
by giving 6 weird things about themselves.
People who get tagged need to write in a blog of their own
6 WEIRD things as well as state the rules clearly.
In the end,
you need to choose 5 people to be tagged and list their names.
After you do that,
leave them each a comment letting them know you tagged them and to read your blog!

1) I hate cockroaches......Whenever i see them, i'll either run or get the Aerosol spray and kill!!!! them......damn rodents....

2) I dislike bittergourd and mint leaves.....but i eat them anyway.......still food what....

3) I only eat my breakfast at around 11pm......which means i only eat once a day nowadays.....

4) I have a "jekkel & hyde" personality which sometimes creep the hell out of me!

5) I have a soft spot for cute stuff like cute piggy or cats........I'm not some sort of softie of girly but i just like them......thats all!!!!

6) i hate touching metal as they give me some eerie feeling or just a static shock......1 time i accidently touch a girls hand and got a shocked.....(Not in an appopriate manner....LOlzz)

I Tag:
1)Sarah Soo
2)Yat Sin
3)Teh Fly
5)Phui Wan
