Christmas afternoon......seating in front of the computer blogging, where i can go somewhere and......who am i kidding.....i got no where to go this christmas.....
Well, other's will be going to other people's house, singing christmas carol, going to church......etc...
This morning, woke up with a slight fever....couldn't get up and was aching everywhere.....thx God it didnt last long as im now recovering after sweating it back still aches a bit....
Let's go back a few days earlier......didnt get much sleep during the weekend as i had to decorate for the children christmas party of friday night, had the party the following day on high......(not on any pills or overdose of cough syrup) high with joy and get to spend time with friends....
then, that evening, had to prepare for the christmas luncheon......setting up stations, table, chairs, cleaining up the place, etc...
went back home at 9pm, sleeped at 3am (after the ManU match)....actually, didnt sleep....just close my eyes only....couldnt sleep as i had to wake up at 6.30am....
Yesterday, after serving, went straight home and sleep at 6.30 pm and woke up at 9.30pm.....couldn't sleep after that....started to sms until i sleep at 2am.....
What a weekend........
Monday, December 25, 2006
Blessed Christmas everyone.....
Labels: Event
Posted by Jason Choo at 11:54 AM 0 comments
Thursday, December 14, 2006
Have you registered yet???
There is only 1 day left to register your handphone number...... Sadly, not everyone cares about it as there is still about 40% of prepaid users as yet to register their number...... Most probably today there will be a swarm of last minute Ah Bengs, Ah Lians, Mat Rempits, Ah Longs in particular, Mat Cemerlang, Aunties, Uncles, etc at their respective centres......
I mention about Ah Long just now and they will be the ones that are the most reluctant people to register their prepaid number as they risk getting exposed and put their business in jeopardy......I sometimes pity this Ah Long as stupid people borrow money from them don't want to pay back knowing the risk that they will face.....
But, on the other hand, the interest charged is borrowing RM1 and paying back RM10 at later date.....
There is a quote......"When the buying stops, the killing can top" which is always refered to the hunting and killing of animals for certain parts of the animal......
Well, my saying for the borrowing of money from the loan Sharks is "When the borrowing stops, the threats can too"...i know it's a bit's 5 am now and my brain is not functioning to it's fullest, pardon me for and grammatic im not bothered to check every tiny detail of this post.....
Well, a bit deviation, but relevant to the this post.......
Anyway, back to the main line,
Malaysian is not only known for the Petronas Twin Towers or the Sepang Circuit, but also is well known for doing everything last minutes......For instance, the registration of MyKad last year......You can see people flooding the registration centres....I saw the cue was damn bloody long from morning until evening.....
Haven't Malaysian ever learn their lesson in doing everything earlier and priortizing your work so that you can avoid any hassel in the end??
But not everyone is like that....I know there is still a few gems in this country that do everything earlier and not leave it to the last minute.......
The only time Malaysian are fast is at the table during the festive season or buying 4D during the sweepstakes.......
Labels: notification, opinion
Posted by Jason Choo at 4:29 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, December 12, 2006
D-Day on Saturday!!!
There is 4 more days till the futsal tournement....Where David meets Goliath, old wounds will be open up, renewed rivalry, nail-biting encounter.......
Aie....Sounds like some wrestling match on TV....lolzz
I'll cut to the chase....My team (still dunno what's the name of it) will take it out on the (futsal) field that day with the rest of the participant......
KKJ, Danl's team, are just a few of the teams that will join in this torney along with other new and old teams.....
I still don't know where my team stands as we still have a lot (i mean a lot!!!) to improve on our games....we have unlimited talent on our team but still haven't realized our potential of mixing and matching for the best combination....
All though (i don't mean to brag....) we have a title under our belts, but there's still unhill task to try and repeat that feat again.....
I'll not talk much about my team as i don't want to give out any information of our tactics and strategies.....The walls have ears....lolzz
Still the top contender is DanL's team as they have lot's of experience under them as they're the older team with players age average of 25 years old....
Can the "uncles" win this torney again??? or the underdogs snatch the title from them??? or the dark horses of the tournement takes the glory this time around???or can the team of La Galaticos of KKJ prove that they have the biggest "size" in the torney ???
Well, This will all be answered and laid to rest on that day....
Labels: Event, notification
Posted by Jason Choo at 3:23 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, November 22, 2006
Blog not working on Mozilla FireFox
Damn!!! my blog does not work on Mozilla Firefox.....i've got no choice but to revert to my old template in order to create another blogskin......
Haihzz....i was quite proud of the new one as it was done by myself. all the html codes and stuff......haihzz......what to do, i know next to nothing about html or even java to create i did what i know with my limited knowledge of it......
My blog skin will be under construction until further notice, but i'll still post some stuff if im not so lazy.....
Labels: notification, Rant
Posted by Jason Choo at 2:06 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, November 14, 2006
Gay anime!!!!!
This is the synopsis of it......
Yuri Shibuya is an average high school student whose passion in life is baseball. On his way home from school one day, Yuri spies his classmate, Ken Murata, being harassed by a group of boys. He decides to help and calls out to the bullies. When the bullies notice him Murata runs away. The bullies drag Yuri to the girl's bathroom to dunk his head in a toilet for letting their prey escape. However, something strange happens and Yuri finds himself getting flushed into another world. He meets some key characters and soon finds himself being called the 'Maou', or Demon King. Conrad Weller and Günter von Kleist rescue Yuri and take him to Blood Pledge Castle, the residence of the Maou. There, Yuri learns he is to be crowned king and rule over 'Shin Makoku' (眞魔国 True Demon Kingdom).
Throughout the series, Yuri is constantly confronted with the results of even the smallest choices he makes. With a strange power dwelling inside of him, Yuri becomes a deliverer of justice in the world of Shin Makoku.
After reading the sypnosis you'll think of it as a normal choosen-warrior-to save-the-world genre like the sword in the stone story......Part of it is true.....but there is more then meets the eye.....
After the first few episode.....(currently on episode 10), the story feels like watching the Brokeback Mountain movie.....*SWT!!!!!I was stunned, speechless.....
The second episode was like....jawdropper!!!!! let me explain
It was in a scene where Yuri slap Wolfram on his left the Demon (Maoh) world, that symbolizes a proposal of marriage to the receipent of that add oil in the fire, Conrad said that it was a normal thing for a man to marry another man and give birth.......Yes you heard me right, give birth....(dont ask me still a mistery to me too!)

Yuri(left), Wolfram
This is a scene from episode 8.....both of them are guys!!!!! although wolfram looks like a girl.....well, you know japanese anime, most of the guys looks like girls....if im not mistaken. this pretty boys are called bishen.....
I feel kinda disturb about it....feels icky.....since my guy friends sometimes talk gayish stuff.....* shiver*
But, i dont have any bones to pick about this anime, not a bad anime to watch....only that "gayish" part really makes me wanna say something about it.....
**PS any gay reader (i doubt any) reading this, im not opposing of gayism, but i never watch gayish anime before, just wanna point it out......
Posted by Jason Choo at 2:24 AM 0 comments
Sunday, October 29, 2006
Hardest thing about love......
1. Falling in love with your bestfriend..
2. Falling in love with someone in love with your best friend..
3. Loving someone too much it hurts..
4. Choosing to let go of someone you love somuch because it's the only right thing to do..
5. It takes time to have the one you LOVE, but just a second to lose it forever, LOVE is bliss until it's gone..
6. Belonging to someone else when the right one comes along..
7. Falling in love with someone who belongs to someone else..
8. Choosing between friendship and arelationship..
9. Pretending to be NOT IN LOVE with someone when you're actually dying to tell him/her that you are..
10. Admitting to be in love with a friend despite his/her imperfections..
11. Realizing that the more you to try to forget, themore you try to fight the feeling, you just find yourself falling in love more..
12. Letting go of someone, and then realizing youwill never find another one like him/her until he/she,s gone..
13. After so many years of being together, you findout one day you,re not in love anymore..
14. Trying to hide your feelings from someone only to find out later that he/she loves you back and then you realize your chance has already passed..
15. The HARDEST thing about falling in love is believing it exists after love has failed you time and time again.
Posted by Jason Choo at 10:49 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, October 24, 2006
My 100th post!!!! it's a rant.....
**few second passed**
This is my 100th post to be on my blog.....but, unfortunately, it's going to be a rant because of a series of unfortunate events happened to be this few days....
BTW, i should have more that 100 by now after blogging for more than a year but due to my busy schedule
anyway, back to my post......
Friday (20/10)
since deepavali was tomorrow, stupid children playing firecraker in the playground near my house.....i call them stupid because they do not have the sense of understanding other people's feeling and condition.....most firecraker is so damn bloody loud, that it'll make your heart skip a beat.....this gua mulu kids never play firecraker before, that's why they have to make people's lives miserable with the loud bang..... they also do not have a sense of time when there are playing with this mini explosives.....24/7 is there time.....damn you kids.....waste your parents money on stupid things....get a life lah......
Saturday (21/10)
deepavali..... a bit quiter that day because of of the kids either
i play futsal today and had a torney with another team....i, as usual i the goalie..... another frustation because we lost due to a lot of defending error and a few of mine as well..... subtitute myself 20 minutes before the match ended....couldn't take it anymore......and on top of that, my left feet hurts like mad and my futsal shoe play it's last game......
Sunday (22/10)
3/4 way to boiling hattrick team was locked by the GM because of some misunderstanding.....this really made me more frustrated then yesterday......damN!!!!! i worked damn hard on the team for more then 3 years!!! don't lah destroy my team....or else it's 3 years down the drain....damn u GM!!!!!!make my life more miserable then before.....
Monday (23/10)
ohh!!!! today really takes the cake......went out to Asia Cafe with some friends.......we go makan and play pool....normal gathering..... ate ba li thong long never eat already.......boiling point went down a bit.... my friend's ex-classmate came and talk to him.....all of the sudden, that fella (the ex-classmate) thought it was a great idea to throw a firecraker under the seat next to me(my friend, F was seating there....)
Stupid fella!!!!!!! WHAT AN IDIOT!!!! REALLY BAKA NERO MAN!!!!!! made my right ears temporary deaf but thank God regain my hearing a few moments later.......
I was like (and everyone around Asia Cafe) was stunned for a while...i didnt know what to react at that time.... it was either i get up and knock his socks off or just seat there
What will you react at that time????
a patron seated nearby.....damn ah beng gangster-like came near our table an act like some pussy tai kor from chow kit...... that ah beng was with an old man a few of his friends nad family i think....not sure.....
he came, took that BAKA NERO and gave him a piece of his mind and even threaten us as well, One of my friends, J was like trying to defend my other friend, F from the ah beng.....wa lau reinforcement lah that ah beng....another blondly ah beng harm done....just exchange of "words".....
Then the ah beng pull the ex-classmate by the back of his neck and asked to apologize to the old man.....he was on both knees when he did it.....
(profanity beware!!!!! turn away if you don't want to read the rest of my post)
Serve that bugger right man for F**king throw firecraker near me!!!! Stupid Marder F**ker......Old man, children, pregnant womAN, people of problems and diseases cannot F**king take it man!!!! WHAT ARE YOU GONNA DO IF ANY OF THE ABOVE DIES HAR????? YOU CAN AFFORD MEH????? STUPID BASTARD!!!
You wanna F**k around with that firecraker, why don't you bloody stuff it in you @$$hole and burn it B**ch......DONT YOU HAVE ANY F**KING COMMON SENSE OR YOU JUST HAVE A BRAIN TRANSPLANT WITH A PIG?????
Next time if you wanna jump in the pit of fire, why don't you do it by your F**king self.....
Damn!!! that felt good!!!!!
Sorry for my abusive words can express my feelings about my situation this few days.......
No mood to Cheers.....
Posted by Jason Choo at 3:12 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, October 11, 2006
You & I........
You and I are connected
in a way that goes beyond romance,
beyond friendship,
beyond what we've ever had before.
It has defied time, distance,
and changes in ourselves
and in our lives.
It has defied every explanation.
Except one:
Pure and simply, we're soul mates.
I can't explain, I just feel it.
It's there in the way my spirits lift
whenever we talk.
The sound of your voice brings me home,
in a way I can't explain.
It's in the delight I feel, when we laugh
at exactly the same things.
When I'm with you,
it's like a tiny piece of the universe
shifts into place.
A place it's supposed to be,
and all is right with the world.
These things and so many more,
have made me understand
that this is a once in a lifetime,
forever connection.
A connection that could only exist
between you and me.
And deep in my soul,
I know that our relationship
is a rare gift.
One that brings us
extraordinary happiness
all through our lives.....
Posted by Jason Choo at 1:24 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, September 26, 2006
True love.....
This post will be my first ever post that im going to do in huh???
This is how advance technology has come so far for a banana, like me, to write something in pinyin.....even though i don't understand a word of it.....
Well, here goes.....
我有感覺為某人, 但膽敢不面對她交代我的感覺對她.....我張貼了一些崗位關於這個題目從前, 但這次是為真正.....我從前感覺.....不是的早年初戀
這次能是真實的愛?態度惡劣 我真正地不知道…. 只日久见人心我的感覺往她…
但我送了幾個提示到她, 哪些對於我的意外, 由她是深受接納…我仍然想要長期等待一點確信,這它是真實的愛.....
我不想要再被拒绝….Everytime I得到拒绝, 痛苦被加倍的和我不認為我可以再採取它痛苦.....
如果她回復我的愛, 它會我世界對我….它仍然是對及早。 或許, 在不久將來….
很好, 有希望地, 由God的雍容, 這在將來將發生….
Posted by Jason Choo at 2:14 AM 0 comments
Friday, September 22, 2006
All about short skirts.....
Before I start writing this, i just want to clear things that i no a pervert who is obsess with girls skirts or their legs, etc...... It just an innocent observation of mine. I don't mean to belittled any girls/woman fashion sense who are reading this blog, you are who you are..... Please don't flame me for what i have to say.....
It is just me, or is girls skirt getting short by the day..... I used to remember when a girl want to shorten the length of the skirt, it'll be measure from the knee....
Girl : I want it to be 2 inches above my knee......
Mom: Why you want your skirt to be so short??? Wanna show your legs to who ah???
Nowadays, the entire measurement system has change after the turn of the new millenium...... No more above-the-knee measurements, it's now below your butt....
That's heard me....the's now ......
Girl: I want this short's perfect coz it's 2 inches below my butt (just kidding......dont flame me!!!!)
I did ask a few of my girl friends a few month back about short skirt......
Me: Why do girls wear so short one the skirt????
JT: It comfortable mah.....some more easier when wanna go toilet
Me: But, isn't it make girls feel vunerable when going up stairs or siting down???
JT: They wanna see...see lah!!!
That's the answer that i got from JT......until now, im still girls want to be vunerable and at the same time be in line with he latest fashion trends????? very confused and complicated......
From guys point of view..... they prefer to see girls watching short skirts.....especially the very short-until-nose-bleed skirt......
Im a guy and it's in our nature to see this things.....i would be a hypocrite if i deny this statement....
Alas, this will still be a mystery for everyone on why wanna wear short skirt for fashion that people looked at but at the same time don't want people to stare at them.......make my head pain think some more......
This post is very superficial and it's just scratch the surface......i'll try to gain more info about this......
Girls, you are who you are, dont take to heart regarding the contents of this post......just a guy's point -of-view about this subject.....
Posted by Jason Choo at 1:28 AM 4 comments
Monday, September 04, 2006
So long Croc Hunter......
"But I put my life on the line to save animals." -Steve Irwin-
One of the croc hunter's quotes that he uses in his show, The Crocodile Hunter (it's on at Astro channel 51, Animal Planet ).
Unfortunately, this afternoon, his pass away during one of his usual expedition off the Great Barrier Reef.
Here's the news that i got from yahoo! news.....
CAIRNS, Australia - Steve Irwin, the hugely popular Australian television personality and conservationist known as the "Crocodile Hunter," was killed Monday by a stingray while filming off the Great Barrier Reef. He was 44.
Irwin was at Batt Reef, off the remote coast of northeastern Queensland state, shooting a segment for a series called "Ocean's Deadliest" when he swam too close to one of the animals, which have a poisonous bard on their tails, his friend and colleague John Stainton said.
"He came on top of the stingray and the stingray's barb went up and into his chest and put a hole into his heart," said Stainton, who was on board Irwin's boat at the time.
Crew members aboard the boat, Croc One, called emergency services in the nearest city, Cairns, and administered CPR as they rushed the boat to nearby Low Isle to meet a rescue helicopter. Medical staff pronounced Irwin dead when they arrived a short time later, Stainton said.
Irwin was famous for his enthusiasm for wildlife and his catchword "Crikey!" in his television program "Crocodile Hunter." First broadcast in Australia in 1992, the program was picked up by the Discovery network, catapulting Irwin to international celebrity.
He rode his image into a feature film, 2002's "The Crocodile Hunters: Collision Course" and developed the wildlife park that his parents opened, Australia Zoo, into a major tourist attraction.
"The world has lost a great wildlife icon, a passionate conservationist and one of the proudest dads on the planet," Stainton told reporters in Cairns. "He died doing what he loved best and left this world in a happy and peaceful state of mind. He would have said, 'Crocs Rule!'"
Prime Minister John Howard, who hand-picked Irwin to attend a gala barbecue to honor President Bush when he visited in 2003, said he was "shocked and distressed at Steve Irwin's sudden, untimely and freakish death."
"It's a huge loss to Australia," Howard told reporters. "He was a wonderful character. He was a passionate environmentalist. He brought joy and entertainment and excitement to millions of people."
Irwin, who made a trademark of hovering dangerously close to untethered crocodiles and leaping on their backs, spoke in rapid-fire bursts with a thick Australian accent and was almost never seen without his uniform of khaki shorts and shirt and heavy boots.
His ebullience was infectious and Australian officials sought him out for photo opportunities and to promote Australia internationally.
Irwin's public image was dented, however, in 2004 when he caused an uproar by holding his infant son in one arm while feeding large crocodiles inside a zoo pen. Irwin claimed at the time there was no danger to the child, and authorities declined to charge Irwin with violating safety regulations.
Later that year, he was accused of getting too close to penguins, a seal and humpback whales in Antarctica while making a documentary. Irwin denied any wrongdoing, and an Australian Environment Department investigation recommended no action be taken against him.
Stingrays have a serrated, toxin-loaded barb, or spine, on the top of their tail. The barb, which can be up to 10 inches long, flexes if a ray is frightened. Stings usually occur to people when they step on or swim too close to a ray and can be excruciatingly painful but are rarely fatal, said University of Queensland marine neuroscientist Shaun Collin.
Collin said he suspected Irwin died because the barb pierced under his ribcage and directly into his heart.
"It was extraordinarily bad luck. It's not easy to get spined by a stingray and to be killed by one is very rare," Collin said.
News of Irwin's death spread quickly, and tributes flowed from all quarters of society.
At Australia Zoo at Beerwah, south Queensland, floral tributes were dropped at the entrance, where a huge fake crocodile gapes. Drivers honked their horns as they passed.
"Steve, from all God's creatures, thank you. Rest in peace," was written on a card with a bouquet of native flowers.
"We're all very shocked. I don't know what the zoo will do without him. He's done so much for us, the environment and it's a big loss," said Paula Kelly, a local resident and volunteer at the zoo, after dropping off a wreath at the gate.
Stainton said Irwin's American-born wife Terri, from Eugene, Ore., had been informed of his death, and had told their daughter Bindi Sue, 8, and son Bob, who will turn 3 in December.
The couple met when she went on vacation in Australia in 1991 and visited Irwin's Australia Zoo; they were married six months later. Sometimes referred to as the "Crocodile Huntress," she costarred on her husband's television show and in his 2002 movie.
Posted by Jason Choo at 7:14 PM 0 comments
Thursday, August 31, 2006
Happy National Day, Malaysia!!!!!
Before i wirte anything, i just wanna apologize to all the reader that i couldn't get my equipment working the way i wanted to and could not post a podcast on my blog, damn sad wei!!!1.......
Anyway, today, 31 August 2006, Malaysia is celebrating it's 49th year of independence from the British colonial. A bit of fact an history.......
*Malaysia is the only country to gain it's independence with shedding one drop of blood, while other country goes through years of war and waste of country's resources to fund the war to gain independence.
*Malaysia is the only country to fend of terrorist, in the form of Communist, out of thier lives and country where other country fail or still on-going to get rid of different forms of terrorist this days.
*Tunku Abdul Rahman proclaimed "Merdeka" in Stadium Merdeka 7 times (bet u didnt noe tat, huh???)
*Hakka Yap Ah Loy was the founder of Kuala Lumpur on April 15 1885
*Sabah & Sarawak joined with Malaya(consist of the Penisular of Malaya and Singapore) and form Malaysia in 16 September 1963 (so,technically, Sabah and Sarawak celebrate national day on the 16th of September)
*Singapore chickened out parted ways with Malaysia on the 9th of August 1965 (sure kena bang kau-kau by singaporean by writing tis XD)
*It was Tunku Abdul Rahman's vision to combine Malaya, Sabah & Sarawak, Philippine, Brunei, Singapore and Indonesia as a country but Sukarno (the name speaks for it's self) opposed it and deemed it as neo-colonialist
Random facts
**The day i was born (5th June 1986), the mexico 86' world cup, all the matches played on that was ended up in a 1-1 draw (no kidding!!! all of them!!!!)
**12th of August is HY's birthday and also World Youth day.(for singaporean: Lim Hsien Loong was sworn as Singapore's 3rd Prime Minister)
**30th of July is YY and Joey's birthday and also the day that Vanuatu celebrate their independences day and also England won their first and only world cup in 1966 beating West Germany 4-2 in extra time.
**2nd February, Rood and Meira was born and in World War II: The last German forces surrender to the Soviets after the Battle of Stalingrad.
(all the name above are nickname of my friends. dont want to disclose their name afterward they tapau me XD)
Well, I only have enough time for this post, i hope and post more stuff like this on my blog once a while, kinda fun......
Today is gonna be a busy day with outings and futsal off
Posted by Jason Choo at 8:44 AM 0 comments
Saturday, August 26, 2006
I am Malaysian
youtube. Then, earlier this year, mrbrownshow had put another version called i am singaporean.
Now, i am going to be (i think so lah) the 1st malaysian to put out this meme of "i am malaysian"
I am malaysian
Im not that handsome, nor im not that ugly
I like a girl but dare not to tell her my feelings
I just graduated from college with a diploma, not a degree
Every year i put my country's flag outside my balcony,
It's not a must but im proud to do it,
I love malaysian food, as it made me what i am today,
Who says my body does not have a shape,
Round is a shape too,
I do play sports,
Futsal is my game and also most of my friends too,
I speak malay, english and i know cantonese and hokkien,
I even speak french but mandarin is greek to me,
Merdeka's day is coming soon,
Im doing my part by putting this meme on my blog,
I love eveything about my country,
I love it's people. it's food and its culture
I was born here and most probably will even die in this land
My name is Jason Choo
And i am a malaysian!!!!!
Posted by Jason Choo at 4:30 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, August 23, 2006
triple tagged by karen
1. Anthony Bourdain
1. Guang Liang - Tong Hua
1. Im 20 years old this year. just graduated from college
2. i love to play futsal...every week will go to the futsal court to play with my friends
3. i love to bake and cook.....
4. i drank alcohol before
5. i like someone but dun have the guts to tell her because im scared of rejection
1. Sarah
Name 20 people you can think of at the top of your head . Don't read the questions before you write, and tag 5 people to do this survey .
How did you meet 14?
What would you do if you never met 1?
What would you do if 20 and 9 dated?
Did you ever like 19?
Would 6 and 17 make a good couple?
Describe 3:
Say something about 7:
What's 18's favorite?
Who is 9 going out with?
How old is 16 now?
When was the last time you talked to 13?
2's favorite band/singer?
Would you date 4?
Would you date 7?
Is 15 single?
What's 10's last name?
Would you have a serious relationship with 11?
Which school does 3 go to?
Where does 6 live?
What's your favorite thing about 5?
[Sarah, Wesley, eunice, phui wan, ian, kit leen]
Posted by Jason Choo at 9:16 PM 0 comments
Sunday, August 06, 2006
7 things about me.....
7 Things about me.......
7 Things That Scare Me:
- dying before i get married
- losing my salvation
- being alone
- not gettting my diploma
- losing someone i love
- scary movies (dun like it much)
7 Random Songs At The Moment:
- Jay Chou ~ Huo Yuan Jia
- Guang Liang ~ Tong Hua
- Kelly Clarkson ~ Breakaway
- Fort Minor ~ Where you'd Go
- Asia Kungfu Generation ~ Haruna Katana
- Peter Pan ~ Tak Bisakah
7 Things That I Like The Most:
- my naruto necklace
- food!!!! BKT especially...
-football glove
- cartoons on Disney & NIck channel
7 Important Things In My Bedroom:
- my bed
- my computer
- my hi5 stereo system
- my cupboard for my cloths
7 Random Facts About Me:
- big size
- lonely
- loves chocolates
- loves electronics items
- friendly
7 Things I Said The Most:
- Tu lan
- Lapsap
- harlow (my signature intro in msn)
- wth??
- icic
7 Things I Plan To Do Before I Die:
- fulfill God's will in my life
- get married
- have a steady job, a car, my own place
- have kids
- tell her that i love her so much
- been oversea at least 1 time
- be good to my parent (not tat i was not good to them)
7 People I Want To Pass This Onto:
- Aileen
- Phui wan
- Sumeitraa
- MayNah
7 people to do this list....nothing better to do than this lame post......hope you guys/gals do it in your free time......Work is still in progress with stuff add in my blog....
Posted by Jason Choo at 8:08 PM 0 comments
Saturday, August 05, 2006
Work In Progress.....
Merdeka x7 *follow by the Tanggal 31 XD....
Finally!!!!!! After 2 1/2 years of hours of lecturer, tons of books, uncountable assignments and projects, backstabbing each other, conflicts, and more backstabbing, i finally, by God's grace, manage to finish my diploma course.....yeah!!!!!!!
All the blood, sweat put into the final test on last thursday, im now free of all of this thing, (for a few years lah....)
NOw, gonna go to the working world soon and get my car a.s.a.p.....for now, just wanna enjoy myself for a while and concentrate on my other project that i've been wanting to do.....baking....
Before this i always say got no time to fulfill my passion, now, hehe....gonna take out my baking tray, my whisk, electric mixer and go wild....LOL
BTW, My blog is currently undergoing some, i if you see my blog, a bit cacat because still need to do a lot of things and will be up soon......Depends on my mood lor.....if i rajin, then by next week kau tim adi....or else, 2-3 week i guess.....still finding a suitable song.....if you guys have any suggestion for song to be put on my blog, fell free and give comment of your suggestion....
Posted by Jason Choo at 11:36 PM 0 comments
Monday, July 31, 2006
Exam starts today.....
HI everyone, the time is now 5am and im taking a break now from sholving 16 weeks of studies in my brain for the past 4 hours......i wont be blogging for a while, not until i finish my exams which ends this thursday......the it's off to the working world.....gonna find a job soon......
Oh ya.....before i forget, im gonna revamp my blog soon with new blogskins, music (i noe a lot pf ppl kinda sick of tis song adi) additional links, more to blog as i have tons of stuff written on paper......damn lazy to blog but will be active in the months to come........
Until then, see you guys soon......
Posted by Jason Choo at 5:17 AM 0 comments
Monday, July 10, 2006
World Cup come and go.....
1 month of world cup fever come and go....finally everyone have to go back to their real world and continue on with their lives for another 4 more years......
The winners progress on and the loser bid farewell to Germany.....and after a month, a winner was decided today morning.... ITALY!!!! Forza Azzurri!!!!
It was a full of drama and controversial events happen during the match on how the penalty was conceded....
i curi took this picture from Kit Leen and was damn funny......damn creative of her friend....(hope you dun mind bout it) This is where Matarazzi kena shaolin soccer iron head by zidane.....
lets back track a few hours before the match.....
I was suppose to got to Asia Cafe to watch the finals and also *koff *koff meet someone play pool there......waited until 12 midnight also never reply me more beria-ria wanna go there but FFK me.....
I really wanted to go and see her the match......haihzzz....apa boleh buat....nasib aku tak baik....
now have to wait for another 4 years and i hope by that time got car already to pak tor hang kai with friends....... lose some and you lose more....
Posted by Jason Choo at 8:20 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, July 04, 2006
Moral Studies Project........
It's been almost a month since i've blog........sorry guys, i had too much o assignments and project and reports to, didn't have time to even blog anything.......
One thing i dislike during my college is that we have to take LAN subjects......the Ministry of education thinks we're not "moral" enough this day or even appreciate history thus making us pay and studies this 'lapsap' subjects.....
Damn waste time and money going to this things......
Anyway, i had moral studies this semester and not only we had to learn nonsenses, but must also do a group project, report and presentation.......ARGHH!!!!!! damn kau tu lan man!!!!!
Some more they make us go and do our project by visiting orphange if we got nothing better to do........To add further to my misery, not all my group member miscommuncation and ex-communcation, etc......
But, in the end, the visitation wasn't that bad as the children of the place i visited, which is called Good Samaritan Home Malaysia I ended up playing with the kids and all our group's conflict was put aside for the common good.......
It was not done as must also do a report and a presentation from usual, still got conflict and many people didnt turn up doing the report and also never show their faces during the presentation day.......
That was the last of my LAN subjects and now waiting to take the Moral exam and be finish with all LAN subjects for good.....
Before i finish this blog, i would like to show you guys a few pics of the visit to the orphange home.......
Enjoy :).....
Posted by Jason Choo at 10:51 AM 1 comments
Monday, June 05, 2006
20 years old already....
It's already 10.50 from the day i was born, some 20 years ago...... let's rewind back to 12 midnight of 5th of June, 22 hours ago......i receive my first birthday wish via sms from KimKim at the stroke of midnight.....a few moments later, i went online and receive my first birthday testimonial from...hehe....her lor.....then, at the same time my first and only birthday gift from......u guessed it....same person.....
Before 5th, i already got a few birthday wishes in advance by Aileen....calling me uncle already as she celebrate ber birthday yesterday......and also from sumietrra.....
I know what u guys are thinking.....please do not go further......anyway, she gave me a cute drinking glass with a picture of a cow on it and a birthday must get her something sweet as her for her birthday 10 days from my birthday...... 3 girl 0 guys
Anyway, forward to morning.....i woke up at 8.30am....face the computer and later watched tv. Then bath and got ready for college.....did my unusual mah...must do something special for college....
Reach college, at 10.30 pm, lepak do some work in comp lab....hang out there for a while, then left comp lab to go to class
enter the lift, say my "cousin" and she wishes me happy birthday, along with 3 other of my coursemates..... 7 girls 0 guys
Enter class, sit down, kenny and alvin wished me......7 girls 2 guys.....
Started the day with our "stepmother" coming in and do what she does best....ruin everybody's day with her lecture...... During the class, i receive another birthday wish via sms from Ain....haha our birthday is just separated in 1 week......well, she's older then me -8 girls 2 boys
went to lunch with my gang and received another sms from wei lun.......lapsap fella....aku belum kahwin lagi girls 3 guys.
after lunch, went to Law class....lecturer commented on my hair....she said it looks
then, had to skip moral class as my gang "kidnapped" me to pyramid and belanja me makan Pizza Hut....After makan, didn't expect that they bought me a cake....haha...didn't expected it but really thankful as it's been a while i had a birthday's been almost 7 years the lsat time i had a birthday cake.....
came back home and receive a msn messege from Andy wishing me.......8 girls 4 guys.....
That's all my total wishes for the day.....kinda ironic closest friends didn't wish me anything but people i don't expect, did it.....
This really shows who's really your friends and who's not......not angry nor sad......for eveyone except me, it's just another day in their calender.....
time to go to sleep....
Posted by Jason Choo at 11:16 PM 0 comments
Sunday, May 21, 2006
Winning at a price.... nothing better to do then to post such pictures on my blog........This is the weekly winner of the Sport's Arena League Match......kinda dark a bit coz someone never put the night shot for
Anyway, let's rewind back a few hours before this..........
Yesterday was like any other day where i go play futsal with my friends.......My friend pick us up and had an "adventure" going to our
Upon reaching there, i saw all of the regular "kaki's" there......There were the Daniel's team, KKJ team, Mark's team and my team (not the MY team from tv3 one)........We were playing a friendly among each other is a league format......or so i thought.........
We started at 10.00pm where the first teams were playing, A & D. When they were playing, i saw two refs in the court and i orang asing team......i was, like, "what the....????" then my teammates told me that they've entered me in a competition where the winner from the league game will go on to the monthly challenge.....i was shocked!!!!!!!
Me: I thought this was a friendly with our gang one, why got other people and a referee one???
Nabeh.....char tou......nearly wanna piss in my pants......some more the malay team quite forminable one along with daniel's team with tons of experiences on their side........both were fighting to the end and the match was concluded with a draw on both side......
It's kinda scary to know that you're in a competition last minute......I prayed before the match and commited to God's hand everything......
The following match was us versus with KKJ.......the quick and witty team was quite a tough opponent with good attacking.....They were attacking and i even injured my finger during the match because someone stepped on my right index finger.......damn pain leh!!!! In the end of 10 minutes we scored 2-0 against them
Our second match was with Mark's team.....they had good midfield and attacking, had a bit of trouble because of their two strikers up front......this game we won 2-0
Our 3rd match was fight against with the malay team.....calling themselves "warung blues"......this was a tough match as they won 2 of their matches and drew one once...This was a do-or-die game as we needed a win to stay in contention for the started of quite dangerous for our team as their main striker kept coming up front to kacau me.......thank god i manage to jaga him well and block his attempts.....this time we were a bit unlucky as it ended in a 1-1 draw.......haihzz...if i had block that shot.....could had have another clean sheet....
Last game was really a killer........versus Daniel's team......wa lau weh!!!!!they ta pau mark's and KKJ's team to a pulp......This was the last's a do or die started of with both teams attacking and defending........they pull of a shot, we got back a shot........they were damn dangerous especially on aerial attacks a they had Jacob that towered more then 6 foot to head in the ball.....i read the match and at the same time just jump higher then him and push it over his head to the other side....... we were also creating chances as niranjan ran down the left and passed it to Sam and took a shot.........straight to the keeper's hand......
raja took the ball......dribble past their defends and cut through Sam which he then took the ball past the opponent and makes a clear shot......and GOAL!!!!!!.....deflected of the keeper's legs.......1-0 to us...... A few minutes later the opponent's keepers threw a long ball pass all my team and philip was there to take the header......his ball float towards the right side of goal.....i dive on my right side and safely caught the ball......The match was won by us and we became the winner of the league with 2 points ahead of the nearest opponent.....
We won!!!!!!!i never win in any futsal competition before........last time, a few years back, my old team lost 6-0 and was knocked out that time......
After the match, my finger swell like a balloon and i need at least a few weeks to recover.........damn pain now
Posted by Jason Choo at 10:35 PM 1 comments
Thursday, May 18, 2006
Romance Mathematics
Got this e-mail from my friend a long time ago......forgotten about it until a few days it is........
Smart man + smart woman = romance
Smart man + dumb woman = affair
Dumb man + smart woman = marriage
Dumb man + dumb woman = pregnancy
Smart boss + smart employee = profit
Smart boss + dumb employee = production
Dumb boss + smart employee = promotion
Dumb boss + dumb employee = overtime
A man will pay $2 for a $1 item he needs.
A woman will pay $1 for a $2 item that she doesn't need.
A woman worries about the future until she gets a husband.A man never worries about the future until he gets a wife. A successful man is one who makes more money than his wife can spend.A successful woman is one who can find such a man.
To be happy with a man, you must understand him a lot and love him a little.To be happy with a woman, you must love her a lot and not try to understand her at all.
Married men live longer than single men do, but married men are a lot more willing to die.
A woman marries a man expecting he will change, but he doesn't.A man marries a woman expecting that she won't change, and she does.
A woman has the last word in any argument.Anything a man says after that is the beginning of a new argument.
Old aunts used to come up to me at weddings, poking me in the ribs and cackling, telling me, "You're next." They stopped after I started doing the same thing to them at funerals.
This is life and has been going on a long time........
Posted by Jason Choo at 7:58 PM 0 comments
Sunday, May 14, 2006
Angry or sad????
*Rant........Damn bloody pissed of yesterday......(still damn angry.....) IM pissed off !!!!! because of two reasons............
1) Yesterday, some people say wanna go makan steamboat to celebrate her birthday........i like sor chai agreed blindly and he said that he'l get back to me as soon as possible........Nabeh!!! i thought wait for few minutes, mana tahu, until 6pm also no answer.......wasted 13 hours waiting for the answer........then, sms him asking for the confirmation, argggghhhhh...... didn't answer me but ask some one else to sms me back saying that the plan cancel already and they are happily stuffing their face in McD's........damn kau pissed off that time.......char tou......nothing to say already.....(taking deep breath to calm down.......)
2) After few hours later, while i tengah syok-syok tengok football......another sms came from my group member regrading the assignment (potong stim betul lah!!!) that i allocate to all of them........they can dare sms me that they couldn't give the answer to the assignment yesterday, that is due on tuesday. Damn kau x10 pissed already...........some more saying that they can only pass it to me on monday afternoon.........MONDAY AFTERNOON??????? i gave them until last Friday and can still negotiate for few more day.........damn kau lan man they all..........
Too many not smart people in this world lah........never use common sense or take people's feeling into consideration......perhaps im too nice too them until they walk all over me like the kaki lima at Petaling Street!!!!!!
That's it!!!!!!! Cannot take it anymore man..........No more Mr. Nice Guy already........Time to take extreme drastic action against them.........(i never use extreme and drastic in one sentences before......this is how im damn pissed off!!!!!)
I guarantee that they will never mess with me again........
*P/s this is a rant that i cannot keep mum and had to pour out all of my frustration to my so-called "friends"........
Posted by Jason Choo at 10:53 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, May 02, 2006
Back to College........
It's been a while i didn't got nothing to, nothing to write lor........ anyway.......i've started college last week on Monday..........haihzzz....Monday.......have to wear professional wear........damn!!!!i dont really like to wear them.........
I was a bit tired that morning.....didnt have enough sleep.......went to college a bit drowsy.......luckily didnt fall on the
Do you guys/gals have something that really makes your day?? i digress.......When u ate that nasi lemak, which is breakfast for champs, or your girlfriend gave you a morning call..........i will sure to put you in a good mood for the day.......For me, if i see a leng lui in the morning, it really makes your day.........
That was what made my morning that Monday..........or izzit that tuesday???? i forgotten walking to the lift, saw this leng lui......kinda cute......look very familiar........(lol.....i dun say tat 2 every cute gurl i c......)Coz i saw her back.... (btw.....i was not stalking was going to the same lift as me........There's when i saw her face.........aik!!! it was Sheena........didnt see her quite long already......close to 1/2 a year.....
Anyway, when you get your "fix" of your daily dose of good mood "pills", nothing can make you change your good mood.....not even your moody lecturer or coursemates.......
Posted by Jason Choo at 12:07 AM 0 comments
Monday, April 17, 2006
Finally!!!!!!!!It's over and done!!!!!!!!
Finally!!!!!!!!! after a gruelling 5 months of's over and done..........I can't believe that 5 months just pass me by damn fast........But, still have a report to finish........haihz......
It was a nice experience during the 5 months of working there......a lot of thing i observed, do, overcome during my training......the people there are nice and friendly execpt for some of the pain-in-the-ass
Yesterday, they really gave me "parting gift".......they throw ice water on was very cold......but it a nice gesture for them to do that.........haha
i gonna miss all of them but not the food.........gotten sick of it after the 1st
Well.....its time to go back to college next week and this week have to start on my report........
Posted by Jason Choo at 8:39 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, April 11, 2006
Nothing exciting.......
There seems to be nothing exciting happening in my daily life since i've started working.......its just wake up, bath, eat, surf the net, go to work, come back, sleep.....
Everyday is been the i know how working life is this boring........haihz....... but, it all going to finish in 5 more days........
A the same time i wander, what am i suppose to do during my 1 week break before i start back college????? Im a person with a boring life...... and have nothing to do nor places to go..........dilemma..........damn!!!
Still thinking, and thinking.......but to no
damn sleeping adi..........really dunno what to write in this use writing much stuff as nobody even read this crap i write........
Posted by Jason Choo at 12:58 AM 0 comments
Saturday, March 25, 2006
22 days to go!!!!!!!
Time flies by damn fast when you're working.......i start my training about 4 months ago.....that was about 130 days ago.....Now, there's just 22 freaking more days!!!!!!, ive should have added the javascript next to your screen long time realize it recently.......
Anyway better late then never......
i felt it was just like yesterday when i started my training..........deprieve of doing my stuff like futsal, hanging out with my friends, watch football, lepak see-see leng lui in shopping complexes......It's just a matter of time till i go back college to finish my diploma.........
im gonna miss working there....with all my new friends, free food not really gonna miss the managers there
well, have to 'tahan' for another 22 days there.......and another month to finish my report......damn malas lah.......
Finish this training, the first thing i'll do is find a girlfriend play futsal!!!!!!!
Posted by Jason Choo at 1:27 PM 0 comments
Sunday, March 12, 2006
Crush "crushed"........
I just realize that every girl that i use to have a crush on have so many similiarities........ I dunno why the girls that i have a crush on all used to have boyfriend already....... dunno why........
As you guys observed i use the word "used" because all of them now are single and available....... am I the bad amulet that make girls lose their guys???? perhaps it's just random or coincidence that this happened???? I dunno.......
Im dont simply have crush on any girl, just specific ones.......A true crush is defined as you're having mixed feeling for someone not for lust nor worldy wealth but from the heart........Sometimes people define crush because of their looks or you idolize someone, perhaps an actor/actress, singer etc.....
anyway, back to the topic.....i think it's just coincidence lah.........please don't have the wrong idea that im a bringer of bad luck, most of them broke up in different times and reason...non the
Posted by Jason Choo at 8:44 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, March 01, 2006
Goodbye, old "Friend"......
Based of the title, my friend did not pass away or something, it's just a title for my blog......
After 5 years of using my nokia 3310, finally i laid it to rest......(i didnt throw it away.....just kept it some where lah....) I've waited for 1 whole month to get my hands on a N-Gage QD.....yay!!!!!!!Thank the Holy Spirit for this blessing.........
So, this post is dedicated to my old phone........
i took it everywhere i's been my companion for so long.......back then, this simple phone was the "bomb" of every teenager who want to get their hands on was the time where WAP, GPRS or even 3G was still alien to us.......good ol' sms and mono-tone sounds of a ringing tone......
My old "friend" is now obsolete, spare parts for this phone is very scare......once, i broke my phone screen, and had to wait for a few days just to get the replacement screen......the guys that i ask to fix my phone gave me that "so-outdated-still-got-people-use-this-ancient-phone" look......i just left and went to another place to fix it........looks like my phone is not good enough to be fixed by the shop......
Im still not used to my new phone as from the simple features of my old phone to the vast button and complicated stuff on the new one......
Posted by Jason Choo at 4:40 AM 0 comments
Saturday, February 25, 2006
50 days left......
There's 50 more days to go till i finish my training in McD' seems like yesterday where i started with, it like, in the kitchen, the counter, management work,etc......
Becoming the Jack of all trades has it's pros and cons........the good thing is that you can do anything without being told what to do.......the bad thing is that they push you where ever there's not enough people (like a football getting toss
anyway.......really got nothing to blog this few very lazy really got nothing to talk about my life........
Last friends from college and i met up each other because she misses me!!!! long time never yum char together......
I actually had work that day....but it started at met up woth them at 1pm in Nando's........
My friends was surprised and happy to see me........surprised because they saw me slimmer then before......
JT: Wah!!!!! Jason lost weight......
SV: more big tummy
Me:*swt (in my mind thinking that they must have their
eyes checked) no lah....dun have lah
JT:Really!!!!!!! ("!" exclaimation mark coz she was talking so loud)
me:dun hv lah.......
then, went to nando's have some makan.......didn't like nando's that much because went there 1 time and the chicken was dry.....and they claim that their peri-peri sauce especially their flaming hot peri-peri is damn hot.....i beg to no more hotter then the chicken rice chilli packet that they give.......not bad mouthing nando's but i was expecting flaming hot to be REALLY HOT!!!!!......not just the slight tingling in my mouth......but their side dishes was nice though.....
back to my friend's thinner??? ya rite.....i fell the same even before i started with my training......i leave it for you guys to judge.......i didnt do any workout or on diet or something......just my regular dose of futsal every week......
if they say the same, then i'll believe them lor......
anyway, i wanna go to sleep already coz wanna got to work everyday oso very sienz
Posted by Jason Choo at 3:08 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, February 14, 2006
That special day........
That Special Day
by Jason Choo
It's that time again,
When all lover celebrate their love together,
Roses are bought for their love ones,
Candlelight dinner for 2,
Spending time together,
On a special day,
For i dont believe on that special day,
Why do we have to celebrate our love on that day?
I don't need to tell you how i fell,
For you know already,
I love you everyday of my life,
That day may be special for all lovers,
But you are special to me everyday,
Valentine's day is just another day,
But our love is here to stay,
Forget all the chocolates and flowers,
You are all i need,
As you're the best gift that anyone could ever have,
You don't have to say a word,
For your pure heart says it all,
My dear,
Everything i say it's all from my heart,
I meant every word i say,
Purely and solely from my heart,
To show my love to you.
This is one of my latest poem that i made for V-day........Everytime a special day or a special person cross my creative side will show itself.......
Im not the person you would think that likes literature or even art.....but sometimes, my left brain will function to produce creativity.....(or izzit right???dunno leh....)
Im not doing anything for V-day(or am I????) this'll be just another day for me......but it's kinda sad 'lah' .....some more it's my off day.......
aiya...just sleep only lah through it lah........
Posted by Jason Choo at 1:48 AM 0 comments
Friday, February 10, 2006
Sakura FC
Nothing to blog this week and got nothing to write about Valentine's day yet, i wanna take this opportunity to write about my hattrick team........
After 3 years of having this team, i as yet to talk anything about my team.......btw, that my logo that i stole from an online website selling weapons made a long time ago......originally it was just the cherry blossom ("sakura" in japanese).....but adding the blue cresent give it a nice touch.....don't you think????
The name comes from an anime that i used to watch before it's series ended 2 years back.....Cardcaptor Sakura.......haha...i know it's such a girly anime like sailormoon but it's quite
Anyway.....i had this team during a month before SPM.....haha.....very "good" time to play an online game......During this 3 years of playing hattrick, i encounter many problems, like buying the wrong player, simply wasting money on players, lost training for two weeks, losing 7-0 in my 3rd game in-charge, etc......
From that day i lost 7-0, my team rose up like a phoenix rising from the ashes and now, eventually become a team that can prove to be a force in hattrick......that time losing 7-0 was a turning point on whether i wanted to continue a, i just play on....
Looking back, the mistakes i make becomes a guideline for me to improve more......
That's how actually my blog got it's name, cherry blossom.....(wanted to be 'cherryblossom' but someone took that name and i have to put a number to different shape it.....damn....)
Aiya.....this have to my blog for this week.....may next week i'll post something
Posted by Jason Choo at 1:09 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, February 01, 2006
So fast 4 days......
Today is the 4th day of chinese new year.......and also the end of my long damn short!!! off day.....* fast time flies.....haih....not enough time to enjoy myself nor relax.....must go work tomorrow.....(tat means 2day da evening.....damn confusing.....)
This year chinese new year, my family didnt plan to go anywhere like in previous years.....wanted to go to Penang...but dunno whether my aunty is there or not.....(coz she's having a bit of ammnesia and also her husband recently passed away...) that's whether i dont think there is a place for my family to stay.....
Almost every year, my family and i will go somewhere lah for a holiday.....last year was Perak (my dad's hometown), last, last year was Seremban (my mom's sis place), last, last year was Penang(my mom's hometown), etc....This year is just stay at home and watch some TV and shopping lah......
Beside, if my family did go anywhere.....i can't go because i'll be working that time...
Anyway......since i've got nothing much to do at home, i may as well
I watched the stupid and irritating unique video that kenny sia made and put on his blog.....that stupid "ha-ha" song is stuck in my head!!!!!
Whenever i see the "Si Qian Jin" (4 Little Golden Princess)"(da 4 cute singing girls on TV everytime CNY), it'll will make me remember kenny sia's video.....hahahahahahaha......damn!!!that song is still in my head....LOL!!!!!
its now already 4am......i dont feeling like sleeping......just surfing around until i fall asleep......
Posted by Jason Choo at 3:22 AM 0 comments
Saturday, January 28, 2006
CNY tomorrow.........
My manager was nice enough (by God's grace) to give me 4 days off from work.....yay!!!!! now i can sleep enjoy and rest more........but it does come with a price.......
For the past 2 weeks, i had to work every single day without off, but it is worth it......
not only dad was nice enough to give me and early 'angpow' which i least expected from my parents..... ( cash in my last....)
but, this off day will be used mostly for my industrial training also much do work......(wanna rest oso
anyway.......i wanna go a few places during my off day and the 1st thing that i'll do is to fix my handphone........(2 weeks of a screen-less handphone......)
damn!!!couldn't read my message, call people, etc..... but dunno whether wanna fix it or not ot get a new one?????
haih...what a dilemma.......
aiya.....i dont care about that lah.....just wanna enjoy my 4 days holiday.....enjoy it while it last....
Posted by Jason Choo at 1:49 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, January 17, 2006
I am what i am....
You Are 20 Years Old |
![]() Under 12: You are a kid at heart. You still have an optimistic life view - and you look at the world with awe. 13-19: You are a teenager at heart. You question authority and are still trying to find your place in this world. 20-29: You are a twentysomething at heart. You feel excited about what's to come... love, work, and new experiences. 30-39: You are a thirtysomething at heart. You've had a taste of success and true love, but you want more! 40+: You are a mature adult. You've been through most of the ups and downs of life already. Now you get to sit back and relax. |
Just took this quiz yesterday just for fun.....after the test....i do act at my age.....but, in reality, do i???
i think i act a bit
it just that is not really good to grow up so fast and miss what you enjoy in the past.....
sometimes i just let it be and mature at a slow pace....not too fast nor slow....just have an easy-going life before other things in life comes and grab you....
Posted by Jason Choo at 2:37 PM 0 comments
Monday, January 16, 2006
Night Shift....damn tiring....
I've been working almost everyday during night really affected my sleep....night shift is from like 5pm until 1am......then, come home sleep at 3am.....wake up at 12pm....go online until 4pm, then off to work at 5pm....that is my working life....kinda suck a bit lah.....some more....walking back from work wee hours in the dark.....(many Ah kua around my area.....heck!! i even saw one of my schoolmate "working" there....)
He was a guy...i know him since primary school....but that time still a guy lah...until when he was like form 3....the "lembutness" in him start to show in his (now her) personality.....the way he walks, talk and also the 'sotong' hand movement.....
i didnt stay long....just said hi!! and walk off with goosebumps on my whole body......
Not only that.....nightlife in sunway kinda quite lah....with only a few bars and bistros open near my area that i pass through every night....not only Ah Kua will be there but also a lot of lala mui and lala chai around that area with striking color of clothing and also clothing with 'less' cloth on their body....the guys that are there dress ok lah...only the girls dress up voluptously when going to that place.....(really looking for trouble lah
there is one bistro there that has a karaoke session.....a lot of drunked people there that sing damn loud!!! their heart out...all i heard is more screaming then singing....
Not only the night life people the but also the MPSJ dewan bandar raya people also there.....they are keeping an eye on the restaurants there and keep them from placing thier table outside their premises for security and safetyof the patron .....but, they are there like until 2am and then they belah...after that they dont care of the restaurant and they'll put their tables and stores outside....
I can see so many things happening with just a few minutes walk from MCD's to my many things i encounter along the way.....this is just what i see everyday when coming back from work.....
it's late now....wanna get some zzz's because i wanna go to college to lepak settle some stuff......bonne nuit('good nite' in french....french lesson does come in handy once in a while...haha...)
Au vior.....
Posted by Jason Choo at 2:25 AM 0 comments
O2jam craze!!!!!!!!!!
After 2 weeks of nothing 2 write....coz kinda lazy because nothing really happened to me within that week......(nothing bad happened lah)....not only nothing to write but also because working and also writing my training report.....that's why no post within that time.....(more lazy actually)...
Recently, i went back to my old roots (no, not my bad habits or back to roots...
Its been quite a while since i played o2jam.....about 6 months if im not mistaken(coa hv 2 pay tat time n noe it's free.....haha)
Since i've started playing it.....i couldn't stop playing it until wee hours in the morning....(not tat teruk lah....exaggerating it a
Played almost all the song there and also increasing my level in O2Jam.....a bit addicted to it now.....haha...
O2Jam is a good game to waste time where it sharpens your eyes and hands coordination....the more you play, you can see as if the world is moving in a very slow pace after playing it quite a while.....(eyes only c things fast but body couldn't react tat
Posted by Jason Choo at 1:32 AM 0 comments
Sunday, January 01, 2006
1st Aniversary as a Blogger.......
Just came back from my friend's friend's house after celebrating new year's eve outside pyramid.....damn tired.....but quite fun lah.....hehe
Today, This time last year, was the first time i crap on my blog and also the turn of a new about killing 2 birds with 1 stone...
It's been a year since i started blogging after seeing a few of my friend's many stuff happened throughout the year and most of it are in my blog.....
when looking back in my blog i realized that my life suxxxxx!!!!! 1 year just pass by so's like everything happen so fast....
Throughout the year....i face a lot of problems in life.......most of it solved by God's grace.....some still in the process of completion......
This new year of resolution for the year is:-
1)be close to God
2)lose weight be more healthy
3)throw away my bad habits
4)drink less....obviously not water lah....
5)get good result and graduate with a diploma
6)get a girl nice friend
7)go away bad habits
8)sleep less and not like a pig
9)finish my assignments and projects on time and not last minute.....
10)study hard
11)repeat the whole thing for next year's resolution
This is my resolution for this year...i hope i can fulfill it and also it would be nice if my friends will to write their resolution on their blog....
Posted by Jason Choo at 4:13 AM 0 comments